Bone Curriculum Symposium 2021

Dear Colleagues,

We are pleased to invite you to join the face-to-face Bone Curriculum Symposium and the Pre-Symposium on Rare Bone Diseases organised by the KBVR / SRBR Osteoporosis and Fracture Prevention Group at NH Gent Belfort in Ghent on 21 & 22 October 2021.

The Bone Curriculum Symposium is a continuous structured educational lecture cycle on bone. It includes bone biology, physiology, pathophysiology, calcium and phosphate metabolism and covers bone, calcium and phosphate disorders, osteoporosis, diagnosis, management and treatment.

Furthermore, interactions of the skeleton with other organ systems are addressed. A full Bone Curriculum lecture cycle is covered by three consecutive yearly symposia. Participants of three symposia are accredited the Bone Curriculum Course Certificate. The intention of the Bone Curriculum is to provide high quality continuous education for clinicians interested in, seeing or treating patients with osteoporosis or bone diseases and is a structured educational programme for rheumatology and other bone-interested medical trainees.

In this context, the lectures mainly cover up-to-date basic knowledge, overviews and reviews. The Pre-symposium course on Rare Bone Diseases intends to spread general information on rare bone, calcium and phosphate disorders to second-line clinicians and to be an educational platform for trainees and future bone specialists. One of its final goals is to increase knowledge and awareness about these disorders and consequently to shorten and improve the diagnostic journey of patients with rare diseases and their access to specialised care.

We look forward to meeting you face-to-face at the 2021 symposium and remain,

With our very best regards,

On behalf of the KBVR / SRBR Osteoporosis and Fracture Prevention Group
Dr. Hans-Georg Zmierczak MD PhD Chair and Scientific Organiser of the Symposium